How to become a programmer from scratch – this question is asked by many people today. If you’re here reading this, you’ve taken a step towards that goal – THAT’S GREAT! Because in such a wide field of knowledge as computer science, knowledge is available for everyone everywhere – just to search on the internet….

How software developer work
In another post HERE I described how to become a programmer from scratch, but I thought it might be worth getting to know what the daily work of a programmer looks like and who can be satisfied with it. Because it’s not that obvious. And the work is specific, it is not even a type…

NodeJS wait/delay function
I want to show here how to implement wait (or delay or sleep) function but in NodeJS environment. This post is an extension of my JavaScript wait or delay functions article here on my website. I explained there in details how to build wait function in JavaScript. But here, I will provide just short examples…

JavaScript wait or delay functions
Technical background of wait/delay/sleep Programmers who have been coding in PHP or C# can look in JavaScript for functions like wait or sleep or delay. Functions like that just freeze running application in certain place for a given time and, next, continue code execution from that place. But in JavaScript there are no built-in methods…

Popover on hover in VueJS
Hi! I will create in this short tutorial a popover (sometimes named as tooltip) component in VueJS. I didn’t use in my example any third-party library, like Bootstrap or Vue Bootstrap. This is a pure tooltip/popover component in VueJS just with JavaScript usage. Why it is better to create your own popover in VueJS than…

VueJS background image URL
Using CSS image as background in HTML element is quite obvious situation. You can do that for example as text background, for slides in carousel (slider), for articles in its listing and in many many cases. In many cases you will have one single component which must display correct data with correct background image. Than…

Iframe and parent window postMessage communication
Quite common situation is that we place part of the content of our site in IFRAME tag which is linked with another page, typically, in the same domain as our main page. This is a very common idea when we are building a bigger application which is build of micro-front-ends (micro-front-end is an architecture pattern…

Vue Router for application hosted on static server
I will show in this article how to start using Vue Router in Vue CLI project with very basic settings which will allow to host your application on normal static server (like Apache on e.g. GoDaddy). What we want to achieve here is the following scenario: We have our VueJS application created in Vue CLI…

Vue CLI: modify webpack configuration
When using Vue CLI sometimes we must change how it is working in background. I mean what are the bundling rules, how server works etc. We must know that Vue CLI uses in background the Webpack with quite sophisticated settings. But we can use dive into that and change whatever we want. Create new empty…