JSON to Excel is application which allows you to copy-paste JSON text or upload a JSON file and convert its content into Excel XLS file. You can use here whatever JSON syntax you want – even complex nested objects and arrays with values, and JSON TO EXCEL app will consume it, and give you nice…

Microsoft Azure – users authentication in front-end
Microsoft Azure is a cloud-based platform created by the Microsoft company in the Platform as a Service model. It gives access to the mechanisms that allow for data processing and storage. The public release of this platform was on the 1.02.2010. From this day, it is available for commercial use. The most important elements of…

MySQL – change next auto increment value
MySQL error – Duplicate entry ’34’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ Check this situation – you want to import to existing MySQL table already prepared data in CSV in e.g. PhpMyAdmin, and then you can see MySQL error: #1062 – Duplicate entry ’34’ for key ‘PRIMARY’ But you take a look in MySQL table and you can…

MySQL – create new table, add new column, change and delete existing column
As front-end developers we can’t stay only in HTML/CSS/JS area. We need to do from time to time operation in other IT areas like in back-end, server side or in databases. Probably the most popular database used in web development is MySQL. I will use in this examples PhpMyAdmin, which allows to maintain database using…

Wrap or break long word (text) in HTML table cell
Tables in HTML are a quite strange elements. You can set some CSS rules, link width for columns, and some times – nothing happens. It means – all HTML table’s columns width stay the same. This happens especially when in table cell is placed a very long text – the single word (or basically, a…

CSS: Center text/image/div vertically and horizontally
It is a common situation, that you want to put some element (like text, image or div) in the center (horizontally and vertically) of parent element (DIV). Setting some element in the center horizontally is usually quite easy – just put CSS rule margin: 0 auto to element or text-align: centerto its parent element (when…

CSS: Custom input file in Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox
Input type file is always a coders nightmare. You can’t style it using common methods coming from CSS or HTML, because there are no options to style it using CSS input type file. The same situation is in all browsers, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Opera. But there is quite easy workaround for that….

Check cookies, local and session storage in IE11, Edge, Chrome, Opera and Firefox
As developers, in many situations we need to check what is currently stored in cookies or local or session storage. Most common situation when it is needed to check cookies, local and session storage is: debugging our application or webiste check if proper data is saved in cookies, local or session storage remove cookies, local…

CSS: ul custom bullet style with image
When we code CSS for website or web app, quite often we need to provide custom styles of bullets in UL list. Standard CSS rules give us not so many possibilities to do it. CSS rules to style bullets from UL CSS rules to style bullets from UL list have limited possibilities, let’s check it:…